Thursday, May 24, 2018

Our Class Trip

I was skipping to the bus with excitement. When I saw the bus I was even more excited. People were rushing to the bus so they could be the first one to get into to the bus and be at the top. At the back of the bus it was high. I was one of the people at the back. There was yellow bars that you could hold on too.

Finally we arrived at the Sarjeant Art Gallery. We looked at some clouds and then we went in the class room to paint clouds and cut out cites so it looks realistic. 

Durie Hill

On Wednesday we went up the Durie Hill steps. When I saw the Durie Hill steps it looked tiring all ready. I had jelly legs half  way there. We went up both towers, the orange one and the brown one. The brown one is taller. The scariest  part was the big brown tower when we went up. On the orange tower we had morning tea and went to the brown tower. Miss Ledierd tolled  us a story. After we had a game of fruit salad. Then the bus picked us up.           

My Neuron Artwork

This week we were making neuron artwork. Some steps of my neuron artwork were pretty challenging. First I drew some path ways. Second I over lined the pencil on the paper  with sharpie. Third I put skin coloured jovi on the top of the sharpie. Then I died it red.