Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reach Rescue (swimming)

In He Puna Pumanawa we have been learning how to signal for help and save people from the water if they need help. This technique is called reach rescue.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Cross Country

We had cross country on the 3rd of September. Everyone had to sit in there house teams. My Nanny came to watch me. I was so nervous. I was in Puriri (the red house).
When it was my turn, my heart was pounding. My mum said if I get in the top twenty I can get an ice chocolate. When I was finished I was so relieved. My chest was hurting but the drink of water fixed it. Everyone was cheering for their houses. My legs were so sore. Running around the block during practice really payed off and I'm so proud of myself.